eTwinning Project – PASCAL Private English School collaboration with other EU schools



March 2023

Last week we had our kickoff online meeting regarding the eTwinning project on ‘Eating habits and their impact on our health, environment, and culture’.

The eTwinning action is a European Commission initiative aiming to bring together European schools for collaboration on a variety of projects.

Through the project, our 2B pupils met with pupils from France, Greece, Italy, and Turkey, and learned about each other’s cultures and habits. They also played ‘Kahoot’ games through which they learnt about the traditional foods of each country.

More activities will follow during our second meeting in May related to healthy eating, different eating habits around the world, and how eating habits affect our health!

Ms. Christiana Efthymiou, Head of Science department, is proud of this project, since “our pupils gain important skills, such as autonomous learning, analytical and critical thinking, listening, and observing, empathy, flexibility, adaptability, co-operation, and conflict-resolution. Through these skills, PASCAL Education and eTwinning highlight the benefits of active citizenship and demonstrate that teachers can contribute to the creation of sustainable democracies.”