reBLUE Project: PASCAL Private English School Lefkosia pupils are saving local beaches from plastic pollution

reblue cyprus

April 2023

We are extremely proud to announce that we are one of the 60 Schools worldwide awarded with a grant to support projects on Circular Economy by the Foundation for Environmental Education. The grant aims to support projects on Circular Economy under the actions of the Litter Less Plus campaign. 

Our project reBLUE aims to reduce plastic waste and enhance circular economy among the visitors of the beaches in Cyprus by installing five wooden boxes on five different beaches, Macronissos, Landa, Konnos, Skoutari (Malama) and Kapari (MADD) (all of them holders of a Blue Flag), where tourists can borrow, play with, and return plastic beach toys. Our pupils have created the boxes out of waste wooden material, and the first toys added have already been collected. 

Plastic pollution is a significant environmental issue that affects marine ecosystems, wildlife, and human health in Cyprus. Plastic waste in the sea can cause several problems:

1. Harm to Marine Life: Marine animals, such as dolphins and sea turtles, often mistake plastic debris for food and can ingest or become entangled in it, leading to injury or death. This disrupts the natural balance of the local marine ecosystem.

2. Environmental Impact: Plastics take a very long time to break down naturally, and as they do they release harmful chemicals into the water, negatively impacting water quality and marine habitats.

3. Threat to Human Health: Microplastics, tiny plastic particles resulting from the breakdown of larger plastics, are now found in seafood and can enter the human food chain, potentially posing health risks.

4. Economic Costs: Plastic pollution can also have adverse economic effects on tourism, fishing, and coastal businesses. Polluted beaches are not a sight tourists want to see when they visit Cyprus’ famous resorts.”

On the 19th of April 2023, at Konnos beach, we launched the project, with the support of the Mayor of Agia Napa, Mr. Christos Zannettou, and a representative from the Paralimni Municipality, Mr. Christos Spanaki in the presence of the General Secretary of Cymepa, Dr. Michalis Ieridis.

They thanked the School for its original and innovative ideas regarding the reuse of plastic toys, expressed the Municipality’s support for the efforts we are making for circular economy, which they said will have a positive effect on the efforts made by the Municipality as a Local Authority in upgrading both its environmental service and saving environmental wealth and the ecosystem. Both Municipalities offered themselves to be at the disposal of the School for any other innovative ideas.

 We would like to thank the Municipalities of Ayia Napa and Paralimni, The Cyprus Marine Environment Protection Association (CYMEPA) for their support, the Foundation for Environmental Education for their grant, the school staff that has helped us with our progress, and the School Management for supporting our project.

For additional information regarding the reBlue project, please visit the official website and Instagram page.