PASCAL Private Primary School Lemesos ‘Adopts’ a child as part of Eco-Schools programme


November 2023

Empathy and kindness are both very important principles for both our school and our pupils. The pupils who are participating in the ‘Eco–Schools’ programme are trying to find ways of contributing towards shaping a better world.

The action plan of ‘Eco schools’ must be interwoven with the 17 goals of the United Nations regarding sustainable development. This is why our ‘Eco – Schools’ team has thought of adopting a child.  Pupils were truly touched when they came across issues such as ending poverty in all its forms, ending hunger and achieving food security, ensuring healthy lives, ensuring water availability and promoting inclusive education.

Therefore, we have adopted a child through “The Sophia foundation for Children”. The foundation’s aim is to fight poverty and its repercussions, mainly concentrating on the most vulnerable of all social groups; children.

The programme “I adopt a Child” enables children in Kenya to access proper education and, consequently, to dream of a better future. This is how Pascal Primary School’s ‘Eco  Schools’ team crossed paths with Lizzy. Lizzy is “our baby”, as our pupils say. She is 5 years old and we are very happy to know that by adopting her, we have secured her education, medical care and two meals daily.

How did we adopt Lizzy? We just filled in the form through the website of ‘Sophia for children’. Then, we received an email with Lizzy’s photo.

Every month, as a team, we need to donate 20 euros for Lizzy. The pupils have even bought a money box where they will collect the designated amount each month in order to send it to Lizzy.

Children caring about children.

Children trying to make our planet a better place to live.

Because every child matters.

And we are proud that our pupils are becoming part of this better future.