PASCAL English School Lemesos pupils visited the archaeological site of Curium with their teachers for a different kind of lesson


October 2023

“Tragedy,” says Aristotle, “is an imitation [mimēsis] of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude…through pity and fear effecting the proper purgation [catharsis] of these emotions.” 

As part of the Classical Appreciation course and the study of   Euripides’ drama Helen, Year 3 pupils visited the archaeological site of Curium with their teachers for a different kind of lesson.

The pupils toured the ancient theater and based on the knowledge they have gained both from the subject and from the presentation of their teacher, Ms. Lelia Kolokotroni, they completed their worksheets. Subsequently, they perceived in an experiential way the parts of the ancient theater and the acoustics of the space. Then, they recited fables from Euripides’ play Helen, acting out the scenes of the identification of Teukros with Helen and Menelaus with Helen. At the end of each scene, a discussion followed.

Special thanks to the teachers, Ms. Lelia Kolokotroni and Mr. Valentinos Tsaoussi for the excellent preparation of their pupils, Dr. Charalambos Modestou for the valuable help, as well as to the Head of the Department of Modern Greek and Classical Studies, Ms. Andria Ioannou, for the organization and coordination of this educational activity.