Meet the PASCAL Private English School Lefkosia New House Captains


October 2023

We’re thrilled to unveil our newly elected House Captains for the academic year 2023-2024, who will be leading the way this year. Each House Captain is a shining example of leadership, teamwork, and sportsmanship, and they’re here to inspire and guide their fellow pupils.

  • Demetra House: Rania Charalambous, Athena Karayianni
  • Poseidon House: Andreas Finiris, Nikolas Kallis
  • Apollo: Maria Karadjia, Nikoletta Christofi
  • Artemis: Neno Maisouradze, Alexandros Kallis

As part of the Globeducate family, we believe in nurturing well-rounded individuals, not just academically but also in character. Our House Captains play a crucial role in promoting collaboration, unity, and a spirit of friendly competition among our pupils.

Let’s give a warm round of applause to these young leaders who are ready to make a positive impact; from organizing exciting events to fostering a sense of belonging, they’re all set to shine!

PASCAL Private English School is proud of embracing the House system, a system which entails the dividing of pupils into 4 Houses, or teams: Demetra, Artemis, Apollo, and Poseidon, which evoke a sense of belonging and community within the school body. The benefits of the House system include providing our pupils with encouragement and motivation and instilling within them zeal, pride, and a sense of healthy competition and fair play. The House system offers an arena in which pupils can prove themselves in both academic and extra-curricular areas thereby ensuring the cultivation of well-rounded individuals. Upon joining the school in Year 1, each pupil is placed in one of the four Houses and will remain in that House for the 6 years that they are in the school.

Each House is responsible for organizing at least one event/competition per year. These competitions are organized exclusively by each House but are open for all pupils to participate in. Each House is also assigned to a Charity Fund each year and sells charity tickets to raise money for their charity. In addition, some joint House events are also organized each year. The overall supervision and coordination of the House System is undertaken by the House Coordinator, Donna Demou.