PASCAL Private English School Lefkosia actively participated in the Let’s Do It Cyprus Clean-UP Week


November 2023


On Sunday, October 29th our pupils and staff actively participated in the Let’s Do It Cyprus Clean-UP Week, Closing Ceremony which took place at Grammiko Park in Nicosia.

During this event they dedicated their time and energy to collecting litter from the beautiful natural surroundings of the park as well as participating in a workshop by Junior Achievement, which focused on Environmental Entrepreneurship and Circular Economy, followed by a workshop from Birds Life Cyprus during which they built wooden bird nests.

This participation not only contributed to a cleaner and healthier environment but also played a crucial role in instilling a sense of responsibility, and heightened awareness of environmental concerns, among the participants. By joining hands in such initiatives, our pupils and staff showcased their dedication to promoting environmental stewardship and the power of teamwork.

We are proud of our pupils and staff for their outstanding commitment to these important causes. We hope that their efforts serve as an inspiration to others, encouraging more people to become actively involved in environmental initiatives and collectively make a positive difference in our community and beyond.