The well renowned Neurosurgeon Dr. Stavros Constantinou gave a lecture to PASCAL English School Lemesos pupils


May 2023

Every year a significant percentage of PASCAL English School Lemesos pupils, who graduate, follow medicine. Thus, this year Ms. Kynigou Nicoletta the Chemistry Teacher of year 4, Assistant Head Teacher and Head of Sciences, has invited a very knowledgeable Neurosurgeon Dr. Stavros Constantinou, to visit our premises and speak to year 4 Chemistry pupils and answer their questions.

On Friday May 5th, Year 4 Chemistry pupils and Ms. Nicoletta Kynigou had the honor and the opportunity to meet Dr. Stavros Constantinou, a remarkable neurosurgeon who gladly accepted our invitation and visited our premises to introduce the pupils to neurosurgery.  The pupils had the pleasure to ask questions, watch a taped neurosurgery, and take a glimpse into the daily schedule of a doctor.

Pupils were mesmerized by the talk of Dr. Stavros Constantinou who was impressive.

Thank you to Ms. Nicoletta Kynigou, for organising the lecture, and to Ms. Panny Martidou for accompanying the pupils.