“My school offered me countless opportunities that would otherwise be veiled from me. Spending the whole of my secondary education at PASCAL English School allowed me to partake in unforgettable experiences, ranging from being a member of the illustrious European Youth Parliament “family”, to “chatting” with Royals in the Buckingham Palace. The achievement I’m most proud of however, was being accepted by The University of Glasgow, the fourth-oldest in the English-speaking world and founding member of the Russell Group; once at university it became apparent to me that the teaching methods from my school gave me an advantage over my peers, not just academically, but socially, and in terms of being a responsible adult too. It would be a blatant lie not to admit that PASCAL was the driving force in sculpting the most fun and rewarding years of my adult life.”

Veterinary Science, University of Liverpool, IB 34

“Looking for experiences to feed my passion I stumbled upon Rustic Pathways. Through the organisation I travelled to Thailand to help teach English at a children’s home in rural Chiang Mai and also volunteered at an Elephant orphanage. What motivated me to seek such a program is the fact that I have always wanted to become a veterinarian and giving back to the community is something that I enjoy doing. Living in tents in rural villages for multiple weeks was such a humbling experience. I got to interact with different people from different backgrounds, different cultures and different nationalities and was fortunate enough to live as they were living – away from technology, eating with my fingers, sleeping on the floor and planting rice in mud fields. Getting to work with mahouts (elephant keepers) and becoming one myself was an unbelievable experience as I got to interact with this wild, magical creatures in their natural habitat away from tourists and commercial settings. My time in Thailand is something that I will forever treasure; it has given me lifelong lessons and has completely changed me as a person. Through that I became more independent, appreciative, a more well-rounded person and have gained a sense of gratitude for different cultures. As an IB student I was able to count my time in Thailand as CAS, which was an extra bonus. When applying to universities in the UK for Veterinary Medicine, this experience has helped me show that I was dedicated and passionate enough to go out of my comfort zone and get involved in different things while helping both humans and animals. I believe that this was one of the things that played a role in me being accepted to attend the University of Liverpool for Veterinary Medicine.”

Medicine, Newcastle University, IB 41

“The step up to medical school was always going to be a challenge but PASCAL English School gave me a solid foundation for managing the workload at university. My IB Diploma score was 41. Coming now into my second year of Medical School at Newcastle University I feel the skills I learnt along the way at PASCAL, particularly on the IB Diploma Programme, balancing assignments, presentations, individual study and extra-curriculars, helped the transition to be a smooth one. I also made lasting friendships with classmates, built good relationships with my teachers and I do reflect fondly on my time there.”


“I found it extremely beneficial for my future that the school’s athletic section enabled me to develop as an athlete and to concurrently meet my academic goals. I have been most passionate about achieving my athletic goals as a goal keeper. Owing to the school’s structured programme which incorporates sports and academics my university study options were many and I ended up getting $24,000 scholarship from St. John’s University-Long Island (New York) to study BSc Sport Management with specialization in Coaching which has been my dream.”

French national, Boarding pupil

“My teachers make sure I understand everything before moving on, which I greatly appreciate. I’m very glad that I am so close with some teachers and that I feel comfortable to ask them for help if I need it. The work they give isn’t so easy but it’s challenging enough to get me thinking. I have become really close to the Year 5 girls here in the dorms and this has really changed my life. This year I feel blessed with an amazing group of friends that I’ve really grown to love. Thankfully, our group consists of people from different countries and cultures, which is good for me considering I come from a pretty diverse background. We all get along amazingly and I couldn’t ask for better friends. There definitely isn’t a dull moment in my life now. During my time here I have had the opportunity to see different places here in Cyprus such as the mountains and beaches, and they are all really beautiful. I’ve had experiences both bad and good while I’ve been here, but I can gladly say that I think my luck is turning around finally. I can’t wait to see what other crazy journeys this island has ni store for me.”


“From the first moment we felt welcome. The personalised approach and professionalism was evident from our very first meetings with the teachers. The guidance and counselling in anything that concerned our children were direct and effective. The school provided the inspiration and the opportunity to all our children to participate in national competitions, to distinguish themselves among students of other schools and to represent their school in Europe. George, our first child was fortunate to study the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme and to obtain, other than the school-leaving qualification (Apolytirion), the IB Diploma with a high score of 41, classified among the top 3% worldwide IB Diploma holders that year. This fact secured him a place to study Economics at University of Warwick. Our other two children, Christos and Anna, secured university placements at the University of Warwick and Nottingham University respectively by obtaining their Apolytirion and by passing International GCE A Levels and IELTS exams. And all these were only through the proper teaching by school teachers and independent study; extra lessons were never needed. Additionally, the role of management and consultation in selecting universities and helping them during the process were significant in securing a position at the desired universities.”


“I was impressed on how quickly our child has settled in with the help and support of all staff. The school cultivates a collaborative learning environment with rigorous academic curriculum. The teachers are of high calibre, very dedicated and they genuinely care about their pupils. They are proactive in their communication with parents, very responsive to concerns, and care enough to stay and help pupils with tutoring even after school hours. Seeing our daughter motivated, focus and enthusiastic to continue every day her learning journey, gives us the confidence that we took the right decision to join the school. It is clear to us that the school instils the values of discipline, respect, hard work, collaboration and love for knowledge.”


“PASCAL English School has allowed my daughter to blossom. The school’s size together with its values, standards, ethics and excellent academics gave us the best high school experience we could have asked for. There is also a very strong sense of community at PASCAL and we are proud to have been part of it.”