The main aim of the Athletic Section is to offer an integrated academic and sports programme to athletes that would enable them to maximize their performance and possibly to become professional athletes while at the same time they achieve their maximum academic potential. The Section accepts athletes who belong to teams, academies or clubs and who at the time of the enrolment have demonstrated their potential to become elite athletes.

Currently, the Section has been catering for athletes in the following sports: football, basketball, swimming, water polo and judo.

The academic programme is structured around the daily training of the students–athletes. Hence, the school day starts with training, followed by breakfast after which lessons take place. Depending on the afternoon training programme of their teams, academies or clubs, students may have lunch at school followed by additional lessons after which the training takes place.

In terms of morning in-school sports training, athletes receive specialised coaching, which is supervised by the relevant school technical adviser who is continuously in contact with the teams, academies and clubs of the athletes. The diet is monitored by a licensed sports nutritionist and student-athletes are supported by a sports psychologist. Also, each student-athlete systematically undergoes ergometric testing in order to evaluate his/her performance, progress and goals achievement.